➡️ For my academic writing, see Research.
I write and edit technical content.
A full portfolio is available upon request.
Articles Link to heading
English (selection) Link to heading
Ejiro Onose, Kilian Kluge: LLM Observability: Fundamentals, Practices, and Tools In: Neptune MLOps Blog, August 23rd, 2024
Kilian Kluge, Dhruvil Karani: How to Automate ML Experiment Management With CI/CD In: Neptune MLOps Blog, May 31st, 2024 (GitHub, neptune.ai)
German Link to heading
I regularly write for general-audience IT magazines.
Kilian Kluge, Mike Rothenhäusler: CI/CD mit GitLab: Multi-Stage-Deployment und Wartung erklärt In: heise online, October 10th, 2024 (Print: iX 11/2024, October 25th, 2024, pp. 138-141)
Kilian Kluge, Mike Rothenhäusler: CI/CD mit GitLab: Wie man Anwendungen testet In: heise online, August 13th, 2024 (Print: iX 9/2024, August 29th, 2024, pp. 144–146)
Kilian Kluge, Mike Rothenhäusler: CI/CD mit GitLab: Deployment einer statischen Website auf einen eigenen Server In: heise online, April 12th, 2024 (Print: iX 8/2024, July 25th, 2024, pp. 126–129)
Julia Brasse, Dr. Maximilian Förster, Dr. Kilian Kluge, Mathias Peters: Einblick geben und Vertrauen ermöglichen: Bessere User Experience mit Erklärbarer KI In: Informatik Aktuell, January 3rd, 2023
Isabel Bär, Kilian Kluge: KI-Systeme: MLOps, Model Governance und Explainable AI sichern robusten Einsatz In: heise online, July 12th, 2022
Blog Link to heading
I keep a public technical notebook over at Hashnode, where I write about things like:
- Reducing the size of the botocore package
- Exposing the package version defined in the pyproject.toml as a __version__ variable
- Adding a managed node group to an EKS cluster in a different Pulumi stack
- Creating global parameters in AWS Step Functions state machines
- Linking a GKE Kubernetes service account to a GCP IAM service account with Pulumi
- Running pre-commit in a reusable GitHub Actions workflow with caching
- Configuring an Amazon EKS Kubernetes service account to assume an IAM role with Pulumi
- Integrating AWS Step Functions ASL state machine definitions into CDK stacks in Python
- Instantiating a Pulumi Kubernetes provider inside a Pod
- Combining multiple test coverage reports for SonarCloud in GitHub Actions workflows
- Exposing the Kubernetes API in a Pod by running kubectl proxy in a sidecar container
- Calling an AWS Lambda function URL with IAM authentication in Python
- Configuring Python test coverage reporting for SonarCloud with pytest-cov in GitHub monorepos
- Completely removing accidentally committed files from the Git history
- Removing badges and other content from GitHub READMEs before publishing a Python package to PyPI